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HomeSpecial Interest Vehicle Concession Scheme

Special Interest Vehicles Concession Scheme

The Qld Government’s Special Interest Vehicle Concession Scheme offers a registration concession to owners of historical vehicles, at least 30 years old.


Full details of the scheme are available on the Qld Government website:Special Interest Vehicle Concession Scheme guide | Transport and motoring | Queensland Government (

Proof of Owner’s eligibility

The vehicle owner is required to provide evidence of current membership with an incorporated vehicle club or association to be eligible for this concession. This membership should be maintained while the vehicle is registered under the scheme.

On request by a member, the Club will provide evidence, which must:

  • include owner’s name and address (as per current registration certificate),
  • details of the vehicle (make, model, year and chassis number),
  • current registration number, and be on club letter head and signed by a club official.

It remains the member’s responsibility to adhere to the conditions and restrictions required by the Scheme. The MX-5 Club of Qld holds no responsibility or obligation towards ensuring that a member adheres to the conditions of the Scheme.

Club’s Eligibility to Provide Evidence.

The MX-5 Club of Qld Inc as an Incorporated Association under the Qld State Government’s Associations Incorporation Act 1981 and Associations Incorporation Regulation 1999 is eligible to provide the evidence as required.

Authority to Provide Such Evidence

The President and the General Secretary are authorised to provide such evidence on behalf of the Club.

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